Plaque Psoriasis Symptoms That Most People Miss

Plaque Psoriasis Symptoms That Most People Miss

When plaque psoriasis symptoms appear, many patients assume that they're experiencing an allergic reaction or temporary rash. However, plaque psoriasis is a chronic condition that requires treatment to reduce flare-ups and improve the patient's quality of life. Anyone who exhibits one or more of these symptoms should talk to their doctor.

Patches on Knees and Elbows

Plaque Psoriasis Symptoms  Weird Patches on Your Elbows or Knees

Plaque psoriasis patients develop patches on their knees and elbows. If they've spent time outdoors, they might assume that they had an allergic reaction. However, the rashes keep appearing long after they should have run their course. Scales and dry, flaky skin might accompany the patches, making the patient uncomfortable all day.

Scales That Resemble Flaking Skin

Plaque Psoriasis Symptoms   Scales on Top of Your Red Patches 1

Scales are a common symptom of plaque psoriasis. When rashes develop, scales that resemble blisters or flaky skin appear on the patch, causing itchiness and discomfort. Patients apply moisturizer to the rashes, but these scales aren't a sign of dry skin — they're part of a chronic condition that needs professional treatment.

Raised Cuts

Plaque Psoriasis Symptoms  Cuts That Grow Taller

When a plaque psoriasis patient injures themselves, the cut rises on their skin. This creates a small ridge that looks red and flaky. While the cut might heal, the patient should note this possible sign of plaque psoriasis. Otherwise, they'll learn when they experience more severe symptoms, like rashes and nail pitting.

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