Psoriatic Arthritis Symptoms That Most People Miss

Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that causes red, itchy rashes covered with silver scales. Later in life, psoriasis patients can develop psoriatic arthritis, which causes stiffness and joint pain. Both conditions have flare-ups where the condition worsens for a period of time. Some patients miss these symptoms at first, leading to a late diagnosis.
Sausage Fingers

Joint inflammation can cause swollen hands with "sausage" fingers. Each finger is reddened, tender and puffy, making it hard for the patient to function normally. The swollen fingers might feel hot, as if the patient has a fever. Some mistake swollen fingers for an allergic reaction and don't seek medical care.
Shapes Moving Across Your Field Of Vision

Psoriatic arthritis can cause uveitis, which is inflammation of the iris. This results in pain, blurriness and vision problems like shapes appearing to move through the patient's field of vision. While some patients assume that they're just getting older, changes in eyesight warrant a trip to the doctor. Otherwise, vision loss can occur.
Eye Inflammation

Other eye problems can include soreness, redness and inflammation. The patient looks like they've been crying and has trouble seeing and blinking normally. When they look at a bright light, the pain worsens. While other conditions like allergies can cause red, watery eyes, psoriatic arthritis leads to chronic flare-ups.