Signs Of A Heart Attack

A heart attack is when the flow of blood to the heart gets blocked, and it's a big deal because it can be deadly. But if you know what signs to look for, you can get help right away! Here are 10 signs that mean you should call for help, explained so anyone can understand.
10 Signs You Might Be Having A Heart Attack: Explained Simply

A heart attack is when the flow of blood to the heart gets blocked, and it's a big deal because it can be deadly. But if you know what signs to look for, you can get help right away! Here are 10 signs that mean you should call for help, explained so anyone can understand.
Chest Feels Weird
Fact: The chest pain associated with heart attacks, medically known as angina, occurs because part of the heart muscle isn't getting enough oxygen-rich blood due to a blockage in one or more coronary arteries

Imagine someone sitting on your chest or a big elephant squishing it. It might feel really uncomfortable, hurt a lot, or just feel off. It's the kind of feeling you can't miss because it feels like nothing else. This pain or discomfort is your heart saying, "Hey, something's wrong here!"
It's Not Just Your Chest
Fact: Pain or discomfort can radiate to other parts of the upper body because the heart shares sensory pathways with other parts of the body, such as the arms, shoulders, neck, and jaw. When the heart is in distress, the brain may interpret the pain as coming from these other areas

Sometimes, the pain decides to take a trip. It can go up to your shoulder, move to your arm, sneak up to your neck, or even make it to your jaw or back. It's sneaky because you might think, "Oh, it's just a sore arm," but it could be your heart talking to you.
Can't Catch Your Breath
Fact: Shortness of breath occurs during a heart attack because the heart is struggling to pump blood effectively, leading to a buildup of fluid in the lungs (pulmonary edema), making it hard to breathe.
If you're sitting down, relaxing, and suddenly you can't breathe well, it's a sign. It's like after running a race, but you didn't move an inch. This happens because your heart is struggling and can't keep up with what your body needs.