Tips on Relieving Stress and Anxiety During the Day

Tips on Relieving Stress and Anxiety During the Day

You enjoyed working, living with your family, and engaging in hobbies until the stress started to set in. Now, you fear that you can't leave the house without experiencing panic attacks.

Fortunately, simple life changes can turn extreme stress into focus and determination. These tips can take as little as thirty minutes per day, and you'll see lasting changes.

Eat Right

Eat Right

How do you feel after eating fried, salty, and processed foods? You might get a small energetic boost, but you feel slow and tired for the rest of the day. You have trouble concentrating and notice that the quality of your work suffers. Afterward, you're too sluggish to go for a walk or hit the gym.

Your diet affects your stress levels just as much as your mindset. When you eat healthy meals with fruit, vegetables, brown rice, and lean protein, you're alert, energetic, and ready to tackle that day's challenges. You'll also have the energy to work out, which burns off more stress. Plus, you'll feel good about yourself.

Take Deep Breaths

Take Deep Breaths

If you're burnt out at the end of the day, you're probably rushing through without taking time for yourself. You might not have time for an hour-long bathtub soak, but meditating takes only a few minutes, and you can do it anywhere.

Sit down in a quiet area and take a few slow, deep breaths. Don't force your mind to stop ruminating--instead, draw attention to your breaths. You'll notice that time seems to slow down and the chattering in your head stops. If you get the chance later, try meditating for 30 minutes or more.

With these tips in mind, build a self-care routine that focuses on love, attention, and "me time."

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