Vitamins for Your Eyes

Vitamins for your eyes? Yes, indeed! Taking the right vitamins, as part of a healthy diet and nutrition plan, can help you maintain your eyes' health and your vision. While vitamins are not a cure-all, of course, they can potentially make a difference, and since your eyes are so important, you may want to give them a try. Just be sure to talk to your doctor about possible interactions with your health conditions and medications.
The Letter Vitamins

Several of the “letter” vitamins can be beneficial to your eyes. Vitamin C, for instance, may help prevent cataracts and also work against free radicals and the imbalances they may cause. These free radicals may damage eye cells over time, and Vitamin C, in a proper dosage, may lower that risk. Vitamin E also chases after and defeats those free radicals to help prevent eye damage. Vitamin A contributes to cornea health and assists in strengthening low-light vision. The B vitamins, B6, B9, and B12, may work to prevent macular degeneration as can Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Vitamin A.
Other Vitamins

Other vitamins may also play a role in eye health and strong vision. Niacin can resist those pesky free radicals, and scientists have found a possible link suggesting that niacin may help prevent glaucoma (although more research is needed here). Riboflavin assists in cataract prevention and can take down free radicals while thiamine also reduces cataract risk. Even omega-3 fatty acids can contribute to eye health, for they fight inflammation and act against dry-eye disorders. Vitamins like these may be taken in multivitamin supplements or on their own, but follow all dosing instructions carefully to maintain your best overall health.