What Fingernails Can Say About Your Health

Your fingernails do a great job of protecting your fingertips from injury, and they're mighty handy when it comes to scratching an itch or removing a label from a jar. But that's not all your fingernails can do. In fact, the color and texture of your fingernails can offer indicators of many underlying health problems.
What Fingernail Texture Can Say About Your Health

While it's not unusual for healthy fingernails to break or split with use, unusual cracking, pitting, or softness could indicate that there's something more going on. Although many of these things can occur naturally and don't necessarily mean that you have a medical issue, it's a good idea to take note of any significant changes.
For instance, fingernails that have become abnormally thin or soft could mean that you are suffering from a vitamin deficiency. If your fingernails develop an excess of pits or ridges, it could be signaling anything from psoriasis to an auto-immune disorder. Have you noticed a lot of cracking, dryness, and splitting? If so, your fingernails could be a warning sign of a thyroid condition.
What Can Fingernail Color Mean?

In addition to changes in texture, your fingernails' color could carry a medical meaning, and it's important to pay attention to any drastic differences. While yellow nails can mean you have a fungal infection, other changes in your fingernail colors can be associated with serious medical conditions. If your nails have lost their usual pink hue and become pale, it could indicate anything from a heart condition to liver failure or an iron deficiency. If your fingernails have turned blue, it's time to see your doctor! It's a major indicator that your body isn't receiving enough oxygen.