Energy Efficient Appliances That Will Save You Money

Energy Efficient Appliances That Will Save You Money

Are you looking to purchase a home appliance? Home appliances vary greatly in terms of energy-efficiency and operating costs. Regardless of the brand or model, it's essential to look for energy efficient appliances that enable you to reduce energy utility bills and minimize your environmental footprint. Acquiring these devices can save you a lot of money over time in electricity bills.



Refrigerators are very useful in preventing food from going bad hence their importance in the kitchen. The older model refrigerators consume a lot of power and release more harmful gases compared to the more recent ones that achieve temperature regulation while utilizing less energy. Nevertheless, you must be picky while selecting a preferable one because some new model fridges still consume much power.

LG and Kenmore are examples of companies that produce energy-saving refrigerators. The modern dual fridge freezer design is instrumental in saving power since the freezer compartment helps keep the temperatures cold in the entire fridge. The LG company has developed smart fridges that connect to Wi-Fi and can be connected to a smartphone via the LG smartphone app. You will find this very reliable because you can remotely set the temperatures, and you are notified when the refrigerator door is left open.

Air Conditioners (ACs)

Air Conditioners

ACs are very important in regulating the temperature in most Western households but consume a lot of power. They enable you to control household temperatures, especially during summer and winter.

The ACs have labels that will help you select the best appliances in terms of energy efficiency. The labels to look out for are BTU, SEER and EER (Energy efficiency rating). For the EER, a high number is desirable. This rating shows the approximate annual power consumption. Another label to look out for is the ENERGY STAR@ rating, which informs the consumer that it is a high-efficiency model surpassing federal requirements. It would be best if you also acquired a smart thermostat to help save power. These help to automatically change the temperature without having you manually adjust it.

Washing machine

Washing machine

Washing machines contribute significantly to your annual power and water bill. If you have older appliances, it is likely to be so. Older devices tend to waste energy and water, while newer models are designed to save both.

Like the ACs, consider purchasing a washing machine with a good energy star rating. One with a good rating saves both power and water. You are advised to get a device with a high IMEF (Integrated modified energy factor) and a low IWF (integrated water factor). Modern machines spin faster, hence wash faster, saving more power in the process and reducing the cost over time.

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