Reduce Allergens and Contaminants in Your Home Fast

Outside allergens like mold and pollen are hard enough to face. Thankfully, getting out of the line of fire for outdoor allergens just requires coming indoors. But what happens when the allergens are lurking indoors, ready to cause symptoms like runny nose, watery and itchy eyes, and cough? With a couple of key tips, however, you can reduce the number of pollutants and irritants circulating in your home and improve your home’s overall air quality for you and your loved ones.
Dust Mite and Pet Dander Control

Two of the biggest offenders when it comes to indoor air quality are dust mites and pet dander, so controlling both can go a long way toward having better air to breathe indoors. Opt for throw rugs or low-pile carpets, and avoid furnishings made from fabric, opting instead for vegan or real leather. To keep pet dander in check, choose a pet with minimal feathers and fur, and don’t let your pet into your bedroom. Be sure to wash your pet’s toys and bedding often.
Keep Pollen Out

Pollen is a major source of allergy symptoms, so try your best to keep pollen outdoors where it belongs and out of your home. Keep doors and windows closed, and use your home’s AC system when the weather calls for it to keep pollen away while at the same time reducing your home’s humidity level. Be sure to change your HVAC system’s filter as often as required to reduce the number of pollutants traveling through your home’s air supply and ventilation system.
The truth is that reducing allergens in the home helps all the home’s occupants breathe a little easier. This is doubly true if a household member suffers from asthma, COPD, or other breathing concerns.